Sports Health

Sports injuries are a matter of direct concern to the physician. So in this section you will find only some statistics and basic information and definitions. In the event of a sports injury or injury that should not be forgotten, first consult a specialist physician.

General Information

Sporty injuries usually have characteristics that are specific to sports. If we give some examples of various sports, we will see a table:

In a study conducted in the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Ege University Faculty of Medicine between 1983-87, 1560 sports injuries were investigated. 22 percent of the injuries were contusion (crush) and 20 percent were fractures. The most commonly injured area was the lower extremity with 60 percent. In addition to sports injuries, athletes also have multiple injuries of overuse.

Girgin, football players usually abrasions, bruises, superficial ecchymoses (bruises), simple muscle trauma, muscle cramps, simple ankle sprains, simple nosebleeds, temporary injuries in the back and back area, neck area trauma, eyebrow and head area injuries are seen. Dagarov and Slanchev, in his research, also indicate that players often have distortion (sprains), contusions (crushes), meniscus lesions and rupture of muscles. One of the common injuries in football players is the pain in the groin in the inner-upper part of the thigh. Here, the knees of the knees full extension (stretched) of the leg in the hip joint with excessive abduction (away from the defense) by defending the ball to the defender, or the ball in this position to interfere with the adductor (approximation) muscles overstress and the result of tendon (ligament) breaks or bones changes causes.

Soft tissue lesions (contusion, hematoma, facial injuries, fiber breaks, cramps, etc.), joint injuries (ligament lesions, meniscus lesions, shoulder dislocations), fractures and large injuries can be seen in basketball players.

In a study conducted on runners, it was found that most muscles and tendon strains, joint and ligament injuries and meniscus lesions were observed in athletes. The reason for this was the training (false training, sudden changes during training and training), anatomical factors, shoes and floor.

Soft tissue injuries are frequently seen in weightlifting. These injuries can occur in the muscles of the body and chest muscles, back muscles and wrists.

In case of boxing, the most injured area is the face. As it is known in the boxing sport, the target of punches is face and jaw. For this reason, varying degrees of injury can be observed, starting with mild ecchymoses (bruises), with significant fractures and serious injuries to the facial organs. The most injuries are muscle splitting. In addition, the injury in the second plan and over time is the breakdown of the nasal bone in the boxers and the deviation of the turbinates in the nose. As is known, temporary loss of consciousness is common in boxing. This continues for different periods depending on the severity of the impact, the strength of the athlete and the experience. Temporary and permanent brain injuries are events that occur in boxing.

A variety of head traumas may be seen in the judo with wrist and finger soft tissue injuries, surface scratch in the knee, intra and extra articular hematoma (accumulation of blood in and out of the joints), ligaments, capsule and meniscus lesions (injuries).

In skiers, ankle injuries, krus (leg) injuries, knee joint injuries, head trauma, spine injuries, frosts and ultraviolet burns are seen.

1-What is sports injury?

Sports injuries are the collective name of any damage that occurs during sporting activities in general. According to Groh, there is a big accident, more than 4000 injuries and 40,000 deaths per person. According to sports, the first 10% of football accidents, with 6% wrestling 3% of handball and boxing, and in athletics 1% of skiing is 0. 5%.

2-What are the causes of sports injuries?

We can collect the reasons for the occurrence of sports injuries in two main groups. These are internal (personal) and external (environmental) reasons.

Personal reasons: Physical deficiencies, physical fitness, aerobic endurance, strength, speed, skill, agility), psychological factors ‘concentration, risk acceptance, physical structure at height, weight, joint stability, body fat tissue percentage), age, gender.

Environmental reasons: Type of sport, duration of sportive activity, the structure of the incident, the role of the opponent and the teammates, the condition of the ground, light, safety measures. enough distance for deceleration, materials, climatic conditions üz heat, humidity, wind) coach, match management mal rules and referees rules application.

3-What is the seriousness of sports injuries?

In order to understand the severity of a sports injury, it is necessary to evaluate six basic facts. These cases; nature of sports injury, treatment and duration, time spent in sports, lost work day, permanent damage, cost. Here, the seriousness of a sports injury is understood as a result of the evaluation and evaluation of these phenomena.

4-What are the general rules for preventing sports injuries?

First of all, the issue is the periodic health checks of the athletes. With these controls, the current situation of the athlete at the beginning of the season is put forward. Deficiencies are determined and necessary measures are taken within the framework of the physician’s recommendation. The deficiencies identified at this point are both physiological parameters, physical fitness, and lack of direct health.

One of the most important factors in the formation of sports injuries is insufficient heating. For this reason, great attention should be given to the exercises of warming, especially stretch stretching.

Here, cooling after physical activity is also important. After each activity, cooling is also important. After each activity, cooling exercises should be done.

5-What is muscle fatigue?

For untrained athletes, 1-2 days after heavy and unfamiliar muscle contractions occur.

It is also acute (short term) muscular pains seen in sportsmen after heavy sporting competitions. The muscles are painful, sometimes swollen and stiff during every move attempt and touch. It is called ”hamlık ır between athletes.

Various hypotheses about muscle fatigue have been demonstrated. Some of these are:

a. Metabolism disorder hypothesis: accumulation of lactic acid (milk acid) and other acidic metabolism residues.

b. Inflammatory hypothesis: Aseptic, acidosis due to inflammation.

c. Muscle hardening hypothesis: Extremely hardening of the muscle.

D. Mechanical damage hypothesis: Muscle strain, muscle strain.

It has been observed that muscle fatigue occurs especially in muscles that perform negative work (brake task).

6-How to overcome muscle fatigue?

It is known that muscular fatigue passes within 3-4 days with no rest, only with rest, and pain relieves. The general accelerator measures can be proposed as follows:

a. Sauna, b. Swimming pool at a temperature of 26-28 degrees, c. Warm wet compresses on the muscles in question, antiphlogistic drugs (such as voltaren, tilcotil), antioxidant vitamin C and mild massage.

7- What is Strain?

In muscle tension, there is always a functional muscle injury that is reversible. At this point, there is a situation where the muscular elasticity reaches its limit during the sudden eccentric muscle activity, but this limit is not exceeded. At the point where this limit is exceeded, no more muscle tension can be mentioned, then muscle strain or partial muscle tearing is mentioned. Muscle tension occurs parallel to muscle fibers. In particular, the muscle-tendon connects to the connection regions.

8-What is muscle strain?

Several or several muscle fibers are anatomically damaged. Muscle stiffness and the elasticity of muscle fibers is forced. Connective tissue and individual muscle fibers break off. The continuity of the muscle is maintained.

9-What is partial muscle tear?

Here, the muscle fiber bundle is greatly damaged. In partial partial muscle rupture, the contraction of muscle fibers occurs. Partial (partial) muscle rupture occurs during maximum contraction (contraction). The stimulating factor is the mismatch of movement which is caused by the sudden change in the tension of the individual muscle fibers. This change is caused by two factors:
a. Strong resistance.
b. Contraction of opposite muscles

10-What is muscle rupture?

Muscle tear can be felt by a hand and can be seen as a visible muscle melt. Muscle rupture occurs suddenly and is accompanied by severe pain in the respective muscle groups. The causes of muscle rupture are two:
a. Movement coordination in maximal contraction.
b. Sudden movement of contracted muscle against severe resistance.

11-What are the predisposing factors of muscle rupture?

These factors can be grouped under four main headings. These titles are respectively:

a. Cold and insufficient blood supply (inadequate warming).
b. Local and overall extreme fatigue.
c. Inadequate training level.
D. Inadequate preparation before the competition

12-What is myositis ossificans?

Muscle ossification is one of the undesirable consequences of occult muscle injuries: a muscle-like structure is formed within the muscle as a result of a lack of complete treatment of a muscle injury. In short, it is a common complication of untreated contusion and hematoma. This means that the muscles belong to the joint and cause pain.

13-What causes muscle ossification?

Muscle ossification occurs for the following reasons:

a. Full unheated muscle injury.

b. Prevent the occurrence of drugs to be local at that time use as.

c. Massages that can cause muscle cramps and bleeding, false massage.

14-Where is the muscle ossification usually seen?

Muscle ossification is usually seen in athletes by M. Quadriceps femoris (quadruple thigh muscle) and hip adductors (inward closure of the leg).

15-What is an articular mouse?

For any reason, the articular cartilage is a part of the cartilage that moves and moves within the joint. As a result, this formation disrupts joint functions.

16-What is the role of massage in sports injuries?

Massage plays a role in protecting from sportive muscle injuries and after treatment of injury. The massage prepares muscles for maximum work and protects them from muscle injuries. In addition, it helps the tiredness of post-workout or post-contestants to move faster than the muscle cells.

The physiological effects of massage include:

a. It regulates blood and lymphatic circulation: It plays an active role by providing arteriol (small artery) and capillary expansion through reflex. Venous. Veins lard also serve as mechanics by assisting the discharge.
b. Through excitation and sedation, the athlete makes himself / herself subjectively better.

17-When should cold treatment be performed?

Cold treatment is one of the main treatment methods used in the treatment of sport injuries. Cold treatment should be performed within 48-72 hours after injury.

18-What is the benefit of cold treatment?

Cold application reduces blood flow in the injured area. Therefore, bleeding is reduced. After all sports injuries or injuries, cold treatment should be performed until signs of swelling and bleeding disappear.

19-How to treat cold?

Cold application can be applied with ice bags every 2 hours, not more than 20 minutes. Total application time in one day should not exceed 2 hours.

If cold treatment is done with deep-frozen gels, 13-14 minutes is sufficient instead of 20 minutes. The skin should be protected from direct contact in the cold-applied area.

20-What is the importance of bandaging?

The fact that there is instability in the joint is a preparatory factor for sports injury. The bandage protects the joint against movements which may be beyond the limits of physiological mobility, especially in unstable joints.

21-What is contusion?

A direct trauma is the excessive crushing of tissues under the skin. The blood in capillary vessels is collected under the skin and creates a swelling.

22-What is hematoma?

The severity of the trauma (blow) consists of collecting the blood that emerges from the capillaries in a certain place between the soft parts.


The distortion of the anatomical integrity of the bone due to trauma and other reasons is called a fracture. The deterioration of bone continuity can be a simple fracture, a large detachment or multiple parts.

24-Why the fracture occurs?

In general, fractures are either caused by trauma (pulse) or are caused by pathological (disease) reasons.

Here, the severity of the forces that affect the bone externally and internally, the direction of the trauma (impact) and the duration of the effect of the fracture determine the state of the fracture.

The forces causing the fracture may be impulsive, attractive, compacting or shear forces. In addition, disruption of the tissue resistance due to disease, fatigue or old age leads to fractures in the bones.

25-What is fissure?

The crack is in essence a fracture variant. Here, the continuity of the bone in the fracture is only broken by a crack.

26-What is Distortion?

Buckling is a joint strain. There are three types of sprains. In the first-degree sprain, the joint was forced slightly. In the second-degree sprain, some ruptures have occurred in the joints. In the third degree buckling, the bonds are completely broken.


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Sports Injury